One Word

This Sunday, at Bethany Covenant Church, in addition to our New Year's Pancake Breakfast, we will participate in the "One Word" spiritual practice. I thought I'd include some information about this if this practice might serve you well in the New Year.

The process of choosing a word for the year is an opportunity to spend some time listening to God. This word could be something God uses to guide you throughout the year ahead. It could be a word that describes the work you believe God wants to do in your life in the coming year.

This Word of the Year becomes a simple prayer that can guide you in the new year. It can serve as a reminder of something you want God to develop in your life, or a reminder of a direction you believe God is leading.

There is nothing particularly sacred or magical about this process. It is an opportunity to pray with intentionality, to invite God to lead you into new areas of growth, and to learn to listen to God’s direction.

Consider the character of God and the areas in your own life where you want to become more like Christ. Praise God for who he is. Ask God who he wants you to become.

What are the attributes or characteristics you want God to develop in your life? It may help to consider how God has been working in your life over the last several months. It may be helpful to think through songs we have sung that are particularly meaningful to you, or verses from Scripture that have made an impact on you, consider if there is a word in one of these that represents an area you want to focus in the new year.

Some sample words to consider:

Patience, Focus, Turning, Trust, Peace, Listen, Learning, Center, New, Faith, Abide, Walk, Simplify, Compassion, Believe, Engage, Hope, Renewal, Soon, Present, Encouragement, Love, Gratitude, Call, Grace, Enough, Intentional, Obedience, Search, Strengthen, Rest, Invite, Beloved.


Trivia Night, Friday, February 10th at 7pm!


Pancake Breakfast on New Year’s Day!